Friday, August 27, 2010


MUAHAHA.....this is the game that i play currently, and got me so addicted with it~ to tell u the truth, my laptop is virgin with games b4 this. huahuahua~ shame on me! coz i'm kinda bz melayan crita korea...hehehe.. some said this game sucks, but i like it since my army is the plant and mushrooms which protect my house. isn't it cute? hehe.. since playing this game, i've turned into Zombie lately and the reason?? duh~ assignment ofkoz! guess who is my Zombie friend? adzie, my classmates! hahaha.. i can tell that she's my zombie friend since she's the one who's always sleeping late at nite doing assignments n turn out to be Zombie the next morning. lately she ate my brain and now i'm the new member of zombie too! hehe =P BRAINS!!! who's the next victim? Azah's brain!!! hahaha~

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